Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Safari Trek!!!

   We headed north for the long day in the car… 
anticipating seeing some animals in this gorgeous 
Akagera Park.

This Goliath Herron was our first sighting…

And he flew away…..  Huge wing span!
Pretty along side of the lake. 

I think this blur in the water --(you can see his head near the flowers) is a monitor lizard.

Aren't these water hyacinth spectacular?  
So delicate to have hippos walking atop of them. 

From here on for awhile.. just enjoy the scenery!

Elizabeth and Brian in the backseat!!




And then lunch….near the hippos….  They were even passing gas in the water.
OH..  the hippos, not this gorgeous family.  hahahaha!
Have you ever seen or heard that happen?  Quite a treat!

Our driver, resting! 

Another Croc! 
Closer Still!   Teeth??? 

Tail Up!
Out with the giraffes!!!!

I love this picture!!  

Elizabeth, you have a giraffe standing on your head!! 
Favorite mom and the kids picture! 

My favorite family shot! 

 Mutual respect!

Elizabeth and the graceful ones! 

 They started towards us as we walked to them. 

 Colin and the tall guys in the plains! 

"Wait, where are you going?"

Drink Time! 
On the way down….  Check out those double joints!
Made it!!

Always posing!

Is that an elephant ahead?  
And one behind!
Now we're in the middle of them….

 A big one and an itsy bitsy one!! 

There's a better view!

 Off they go!

 Last look…

Then we reached the open plains….  100's of animals grazing.  One group of either bush back or impalas jumped ahead of the car for a good 5 minutes…. They just kept coming and leaping
across the road.  Colin took a great video! 

The kids have been great for such a long day in the car
but after this point… we still have a couple hours drive back to 
Kigali…But a beautiful day in the Akagera National Park!! 
