Monday, March 12, 2012

A Sunday Afternoon Drive

After a great church service in the morning, we decided to take a drive heading North-Northwest into the mountains.  Bruce set his GPS on his phone and off we went.  Within 15 minutes we knew we could never trust the GPS again!  While it sets up great routes and shortcuts... it has no idea what kind of roadbed you might actually have to drive on! 
Between the crater-like holes, the washed out gullies and barely enough space for one
car to drive on we also encountered several villages of people looking at us like we were 
crazy.  They kept yelling and waving "Umuzungu"  which basically means "the white guys"!
They were all smiling and kids greeting us along the way.  But i was so "entrenched" watching the huge trenches that Bruce was carefully driving through that i didn't take any pictures of the road.  But once we got through the winding red clay we came to this:
 Looked like it wouldn't even hold people...

 But Bruce drove right over it..... I held my breath! 
And what do you think we found 
on the other side? 
Fields and fields of rice!

By the way, the rest of the hillsides or any little piece of ground you see is now being
cultivated by men and women each day this week.. They HAND HOE all of it and the moms just carry their babies on their backs as they work. It 
is astonishing how much they get done each day. There is no machinery... not even electric hedge clippers, let alone a tractor, cultivator or planter. 

And beautiful birds!

I am having a lot of trouble getting the pictures up that I want to share with you.  I'm so sorry but I'm going to end this and see if i can figure out where the rest of the things i wrote and downloaded went.  There is a lot more to this story so I hope i can get it to you!   Thanks for your patience.  I've run out of mine tonight.

Good night!

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