Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Two Days in Akagera Park... Day 1

** Warning**... This is a long post.

Bruce's Birthday is this week so we decided to take a little break together and head to Akagera Park last Sat & Sun.   It is in the Eastern most part of Rwanda and has 2 distinct sections. We did the North route last trip so this weekend we decided to visit the Lodge and
also stay in the South part of the park.  Everyone had told us that there weren't many 
animals in this section so we weren't expecting a whole lot.  
Just really wanted to relax... and that we did.  Except for the ride into the park.
The last turn before the park... or so we thought. 
Initially, the road looked great!

The children we met along the way were always so curious and happy.

 Think she has a seat belt?

Almost the whole family.  The boys loved seeing their picture!

This is Sorghum drying....There are acres and acres of it here.

 Some ladies were doing their laundry along here but none of my pics were good.

A nursery--growing plants to sell.
Along these very back roads we noticed that there were
new electric poles going up and electricity is now being
brought to this remote area!
 I think the goats rule in this village!
Sorghum plants before the harvest.

We left home at 8:30 Sat. and due to the detour and getting lost because
there were no signs once you went on the detour to redirect you.....
We finally arrived at the Park around 12:45!  

And a whole family of baboons met us at the entrance.

Signed in here, paid our entry fees and also arranged for a boat ride at 3:30pm.
See the bird nests?  These are the dried up and used ones of the weaver birds.

A closer look!  I still can't figure out how they keep the eggs and
babies in their nests.
The park guy said... "take the road with the gate and that will take
you right to the Lodge". 

They opened the gate and the welcome committee was sitting right
down the road....doing a whole variety of things!  

Even arm wrestling!

 Driving further on down this road... we came to this view of the Lake---

 We continued driving a long way and then came to a fork in the road..
yet another fork with no idea which way to turn.  About that time a moto
comes along and tells us that the Lodge is this way.....
Sometimes language and understanding are difficult here but
we took the way he suggested.  After going an even longer way
and as the grass is getting taller and taller in the "median"... we decided
that this was NOT the right way...
So, Bruce did a daring turn around in the middle of all this and we headed back ALL
the way to the initial gate... only to discover another gate.. just to the right.
The gate keeper assured us that THIS was the right gate.
So, after driving 45 min. in and out of the other gate... we take the right gate and
we are at the lodge in 3, count 'em 3 minutes!  Oh brother.... but it was worth the trip.
 This picture is from the staircase near our room.
Looking back up at the lodge from the pool area.
Looking out over the lake from the pool area!  

This is Inzo.  We met at the entrance and it took him a
long time to warm up.. but then we played and played
together at the pool.  He is 3.  No English.... but we had a lot
of fun anyway! 
 Just another view
We took a brief rest at pool side before heading to the boat 
ride. It was great to sit in the sunshine --out of the car! 
They changed the boat trip to 4.... so we made our way there.
Hoping we could find it!   

This little baby was right outside the lodge entrance...
we saw his mom a bit later.
Driving down to the boat area.
 Every once in a while a picture really comes out nicely.
This is a Vervet monkey. They are cute and are all over the park.
 God has blessed these little characters with some very colorful options!
I didn't even notice this until i got home.. Look up Vervet monkey.. it is really true.
No one tampered with this picture, but it gives a whole new definition
to the color turquoise!  Do you think God has a sense of humor??

These giant Marabou storks were just sitting by the lake.

 We first saw this boat and i was sure hoping that this wasn't what
we were going out on the lake in. 

 Fortunately, it was this boat we were taking and it was just
Bruce, me, and our guide Kenny.  What a guided tour we got!
We're off on this huge lake!
GIANT birds flying over us.
 As we were watching some birds near the shore a long distance from this picture,
Kenny said,  "I think i see an elephant"t.  Can you see him right above the word

He flew the boat down to the part of the shore where he saw him.
 I put my zoom on and got this shot.
But i think the noise of the motor scared him and all i got once we were close-- 
 was this shot of him moving behind the trees!  Our first elephant in the wild...
but just a mere sighting.

Turning the boat around we see another little island.

And as we continue on down the lake.... the sun is simply spectacular!

A King Fisher that looks like an Eagle.
 There are a lot of these great hunters in the park.

Then Kenny took us to the island where the Cormorants
have their breeding ground. Not the only birds here,
but the majority.
"Stick 'em up"! This must be the sheriff! And he's left handed!

Momma and baby.

This is a long beaked something.. I forget. 

Babies in the nest.
This tree was just beautiful with all the birds in .. Looked like
a stage setting.

Open billed stork on far right.
The sun is going down so at the far end of the lake we turn back.
We've been on the lake about 1 1/2 hours.


 The tour promises hippos and crocodiles but we only saw the hippos ears.
The water is extremely high.... so sightings are difficult.
But then, Kenny sights a baby crocodile... age 3, he says.  After this we make it back to shore...
 where this poor old one-legged stork is waiting.
The younger one had flown away... Bruce got the video of her
in flight! 

The drive home was full of baboons and babies.
They are all right on the road.

 Here is momma giraffe at sunset.. The sun just made her glow! 

No words necessary.

 The end of a beautiful day!

Yes, that was just one day!!!!!!!!
We did have dinner and go for a walk to look at the sky.
It is different here from our sky in the USA so Bruce loves watching the stars
and the constellations that appear on an app on his phone.
Life is amazing here and technology helps us enjoy it more.

More animals tomorrow!

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