Monday, June 11, 2012

Sunday in Germany... A Day of Rest!

It's about 9:00 am on Sunday morning as Uschi and I head out for church.
We are going to visit the church that we attended 21 years ago
when we lived here in Dortmund, Germany.  But before we go there
I wanted to show you the horse barn that is right outside of 
the apartment here.

Well, it is at least 1/2 of it.  

There are a lot more bicycles here than "motos", like in Africa.

Just as we arrived the church bells started ringing and 
I had to record them.  Hope you like seeing and hearing
from the Lutheran Evangalisch Church.
(Also hope it works, I've not tried this before.
The video copier wouldn't work so maybe this won't either, but i sure hope it will so you can hear the bells!)

Didn't quite get the picture of the whole church...but the shadows are cool

There might have been 40 people in attendance. 

The organist and the organ.

There was a baptism and it was almost 30 minutes long. The pastor
talked... several family members spoke and then the baptism.
The baby was dear and seemed totally engaged in the whole process.

After church we headed back home and it was about 11 when 
we arrived to all the creatures!

This is Pepper, Peppy... for short. 
One of Uschi and Reiner's cats.
And this is Molly!  Does she remind you of anyone?

This is the whole barn from the back.... 
with a huge manure/straw pile
from all the boarders cleaning out their stables.

This is Susie riding Freesia...oh, i'm not sure that was 
the horse's name but she is pretty!  They both are!

A little barn swallow on her nest.
One horse in a small corral and the other still in the barn.

All of these ladies were out exercising their horses.
They were taking them through side steps, backing-up and
all the usual gaits that horses do. 

I could have stood and watched them all day!
Heading back to their stalls.
Sitting on the ledge near the back door.
Reiner likes to cook and he is a great cook but he is also an artist!

This is one of his morning creations for Uschi and me.
See why it is so much fun to come here?

And this is another creation from Uschi, the artist!

After brunch we spent the entire afternoon and some of the evening in the
yard-- more accurately called the garden
with a lot of God's creations.  Michelle V.. this peony is for you!

And while we were sitting in the sun 
and soaking up the rays, 
Reiner brought out another of his

This little table on a long spike 
that you just shove in the ground and 
presto... you have a side table for your glass!
Clever and cute, huh?

So, we had a whole day of rest... going to church, enjoying nature and resting in the yard.  

Matthew 11:28 says, "Come unto me and I will give you rest"

The reading in Oswald Chambers today says this: 

" Watch how He uses the word 'Come'.
At the most unexpected moments there is a whisper of the Lord  --"Come unto Me"--
and you are drawn immediately.  Personal contact with Jesus alters everything.  Be stupid
enough to come and commit yourself to what He ways.  The attitude of coming is that the will resolutely lets go of everything and deliberately commits all to Him.

...'and I will give you rest,'  i.e., 
I will stay you.  
Not---I will put you to bed and hold your hand and sing you to sleep, but --
I will get you out of bed, out of the languor (lack of energy or vitality)
and exhaustion, out of the state
of being half dead while you are alive; I will imbue (to inspire or influence thoroughly) 
you with the spirit of life, and you will be stayed by the perfection of vital activity!"

He called and gave me rest today! 

 Go to Him if need rest... He will give it to you..
and you'll receive a whole lot more! 


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