Monday, May 12, 2014

AIC Outing to Aprohade

Aprohade is an NGO here in Kigali that does Embroidery work. 
This is an art and as you will see there are some great artists 
producing wonderful embroidery pieces… 
be it table cloths or "paintings".

This was an AIC outing so a bunch of us ladies took off to go.
Along they way we encountered a nursery school.
Had to stop and get some hugs!
Kim and Riejtie ( Ricky) --friends from South Africa. 

Ceren and Sherri joined the group. They are all so cute.
Yes, the tall ones and the shorter ones!! 

UP we go to the place we are visiting.

The Rotary is big here and you'll see evidence
of that throughout the country.

And now… all pieces done by hand by these talented women.

 Gorgeous hand embroidered elephant.
 She is hemming it with the machine. 
A pillow slip-cover.

 They draw or stencil the pattern on the fabric
and then do the embroidery

Coo-coo-coo-ck-Cool napkin!

It is all done with thread… by hand. 

Kirsty modeling the basket weave!

One of the stencilist!

Another one!

Then there was the thread.. racks and racks of it covered
with cloth "doors" to keep it from fading from the sun. 

Yes, this is all embroidery work.

This is the one i bought.. Mama gorilla with her babies.. This picture doesn't do it justice… but the colors are so rich..
It took the designer 1 month working 7 hours a day. 

Back in the store everyone was shopping! 
Kirsty and Mirjam and Ceren having fun in the process. 

It was a great visit  and i'm sure most of us will go back 
at one time or another! 

Lunch after our visit with Kim and Annamarie, 
Moohaw and Riejtie….
South Africa, Korea and the US. were represented.
We went to the Serena hotel to enjoy this….

A delicious pineapple chicken salad with tons of cashews--
in a pineapple, of course!
Undoubtedly my favorite salad in Rwanda!

Creative designs by talented people.
Whether it be with thread or food or anything else….
God has given each of us talents that we need to use.

Where does your creativity show up?
Mine isn't in sewing or food… but
I'm sure glad all of these folks shared their
talents with us today!


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