Friday, April 20, 2012

Contrasting Markets: No Bulls and Bears... But Elephants and Chickens!

Just so you don't think the only place I shop is the outdoor market I want to share
a little bit of what the other markets look like here...  They are very Western and very expensive compared to the outdoor market... but here are a couple shots.

Notice i only shop at the Republican stores!  HA!

Bruce is way ahead of me..... on the look for lightbulbs.
Food is on this level along with Books, Clothing,
Hardware, House and Garden.
Lower level is Furniture, Bed and Bath
and all the Electronics you would ever need! 
And party stuff.. we were getting for
Innocent's Birthday Party on Sunday
There is a clerk to help you in EVERY aisle
and sometimes two or even three. 

Oatmeal, Weetabix, Cereals looks just like the States!

And of course, something to put it all in. 

Thousands of kilos of rice on the left
This is just one of 100's of little stores this size not
only in the market but also all over town.
And it is ALWAYS cheaper in these stores.
I've learned to look!
I am not a fish fan... but maybe from these two stores Fish might have better flavor! Apparently, Tilapia comes from Rwanda and Uganda so it is everywhere.. Someone needs to teach me how to prepare it.  Never was good with the slimy creatures and they come whole and very, very large here.


We were walking out of the market to head home and this man opened this bus
(one just like the city busses) and here is what was inside!  There must have been
100-200 chickens---LIVE CHICKENS-- stuffed, hung, draped or running freely in this bus. 

When they open the doors they started pulling them out from under the seats, first.... and they just kept pulling and pulling...Once in awhile there would be one that died from fright and they'd throw it over in a pile.  I was so stunned by this seen that it just made me laugh that anything like this would be done... The driver was out of the bus by this time and he
was amused that I was amused.... and his little one came to see me, too. (2 pics down)

This puts a whole new definition on Chicken Stuffing!

 Isn't he adorable?  Maybe it's a she... I can never tell here because they all have
their hair cut short and seem to wear clothes interchangeably.
 Either way:   A beautiful child!!!

And then there is this guy:  Mr Rooster --- Foot Loose and Fancy Free
Check out all the chicks... they are bound and draped over the seats... 3-4 in
each "legging"!  Some of the girls were free, too.. But for the most part it was just the roosters who were given the rule of the roost!
Each seat of the bus was like this.. I sure hope they don't
convert this back to a city bus... WHEW!
(I think this picture needs a real caption, don't you?)
And then it was found.. I watched the guy pull out the egg that some hen must have
been "dying" to get rid of.  He even laughed!!  He handed it to this girl and she let me take her picture.  Can you imagine a chicken laying an egg upside down... and it wasn't even broken?
I hope it turns out to be her golden egg! 
Right across the street from the chicken this clothing store.  We had a girl for dinner the other night that is studying here and she said.. "Oh.. see that red dress?  My roommate just bought that and wore it home the other day"!  So, people really do
shop in all these little stores.
But when you do.....There is
 nothing to put your purchases into.  You must bring your own paper bags for your items and also have large cloth bags to carry all your things.
Once in 
a while some person will have bags, but not most.

So what's the "take away" from these two markets???

Nothing deep or spiritual....just all the things that anyone needs!
 No matter where you shop you can find just about anything for different prices$$$

At the Western Store---A box of cereal---$5-8.00
A pint of ice cream --$6.00
4 oranges-- $8-10.00
6 Tomatoes--  $3.50

At the Market 1 kilo of beans at the market--$1.00
1 doz. eggs- $1.10
Tomatoes-1 kilo  ( that's 2 1/2 lbs)  $4.00
6 oranges--$3.00

And on and on... Can you guess where I get most of our fresh food?
But just in case you are wondering... NO, i don't buy chicken at the outdoor market!

Have a great week and enjoy your grocery shopping... no matter where you go?



  1. I think my kids would get a kick out of the chicken bus. Wow! And you know Will (or Wayne) would teach you how to prepare fish. Talapia is a favorite here in our house.

    But you do have internet access so I would just google talapia recipes or whatever. What's the strangest thing you've eaten?

  2. oh, those chickens just put me right over the edge.
