Friday, July 19, 2013

Bruce Turns 60 at Work and at Home!

Clever, huh?  Crystal put this together somehow...
to get ready for his surprise party.

While we were waiting for the time to go get him... everyone helped with the food and getting everything set up! 

Innocent and I were the ones who would get him to this room...
saying that Innocent hadn't seen it all done yet.  
The food was smelling way too good!!

Ines, on the left had a LOT to do with all the arrangements
and by the way.. TODAY ( July 18) she had a little baby girl..
CONGRATULATIONS, INES!  One month, minus one day
after Bruce's birthday!
We almost pulled off the surprise but right when we
got to the door he smelled the delicious food!

Surveying the spread before him.
Ok... it's time to start the party!

With Isaac and Susanna...  and the great card they all designed.
( I think Isaac did the lion's share of design, though)

Can you believe he actually had enough hot air to blow out each candle?  Each one worth 30 years!  Yikes!

Of course,  Joel played for Happy Birthday... but then he sang two
songs of the faith for Bruce and all in the room joined in that knew them.
I told Joel after that this could have NEVER happened in an office in America.... Someone would have complained and been offended.
But instead....even the Lord was honored at Bruce's party.
How refreshing!  Stay true to yourself Rwanda!

Another reminder!
The staff had thrown a wonderful surprise
for Bruce and this time he even recognized
the party was for him.  Unlike other years
when I've through a surprise and he always
wondered who the party was for.  Ha!

Home in the evening and Bruce opened a beautiful
hand carved tribesman that Innocent gave him.
Look out mantel... here he comes.
Then we had a small sit-down dinner with a few of our friends.  If our dining room and table were bigger we could have had more... but Bruce enjoyed this size group and the people in it. 

The ladies at one end...
Beulah, Isabelle, Maggie, Linda and I 

and the guys at the other.

And REALLY-- we ladies still couldn't hear ourselves over the great conversations (din) of the men!

 Jan, Zane, Bruce Michel and Hennie at this end.

Full,  yet ready for birthday cake..  we missed the picture of the "Thunder Cake"

Birthday boy cut up the pieces to serve
and we finished off the evening with more
conversation and relaxing.

Thank you to all of you for making Bruce's day
so enjoyable and memorable!

Even though we have all recently met
( within the last year or two)
it feels like we've known each other a lot longer!

Thank you for your kindess and your friendship!


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