Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fabric and Friends!

So this morning we went to the Market to look for fabric! 
Elizabeth  picked her special fabric and then the style of
her dress.

She got all measured up!
This will be a fun experiment especially
since none of us could speak the same language!

And this was the style she chose!
She liked the dress that the girl who sold her
the fabric had on… we left it in her hands to design. 

And then headed to see Kofi at the Kigali Christian School!

Finally, Kofi gets to meet the Ashes!
Both sides were happy about the meeting.
The next day we headed to the pool at the Manor for a while!

Great to be in the pool and having fun in the water!
This is one of the local hotels where you can swim for a fee…
It's a pretty setting for a day in the sun. 

While Katherine was sporting her new
little African dress….

Elizabeth was stylin' her new dress
finished from the market!!  So cute!
With her new shoes and beads from the market, too!
I think the lady did a great job.
Brian also had on his new outfit from CO-Tract…. a cooperative downtown where we had a fun time shopping.  Katherine is
chewing on her new doll, too! Oh and i guess Heather has her
new sling purse on, as well…

The Ashe's and Innocent.  Katherine just loved Innocent and they spent a lot of time playing together!  Sweet picture! 

Love the informal shots best!

What a fun day being in Kigali and at home!

It's been 6 months since Heather and Colin
and crew were here but these pictures make it feel like so much less time.  At least the kids haven't grown out of their new
outfits yet!


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