Thursday, March 14, 2013

Kwetu Film Institute and the Dr's Office

A couple weeks ago I was walking home from my exercise class 
and went a couple blocks out of my way to stop at a little grocery that
opened called "Tonto's" about 1 mile from our house.   
A new pharmacy had opened a couple doors down from the grocery and 
in between...... was another door.. with a little reception area.

I wandered in to see what was behind the door...and I found
coffee shop!!!  

The new marketing lady, Diane was there and I talked to her 
about bringing the AIC Group for a tour and lunch at the coffee shop.

And today was the day we came to visit.  Had a great turnout!

We were waiting for Eric.. the film producer and the 
designer of the institute.
The coffee shop has only a couple food items but their coffee
and smoothies are terrific.
Eric was being held up but we didn't now why... so we finally
asked someone else to start the tour...

I don't remember the Communications teacher's name... but
he told us about the classes, the schedules and how
things work.. 

Several folks had a lot of questions.  

 This is Tamon.. He has just arrived from Forest Hills, Pa!
This is a suburb adjacent to Penn Hills in Pittsburgh.
He had contacted us in early Jan... to let us know he
was moving to Kigali.  His family and Evie's family
( Isaac's preschool teacher at Beulah)  are good friends and Evie
suggested Tamon should contact us!

So, he arrived about 10 days ago.. and is quickly
settling in to his new apt. and looking for a job.

He is a very nice young man and he joined us on the outing
today to see what Kwetu was all about.  There were a couple
other guys there but mostly he was surrounded by women.
Anyway... welcome to Kigali, Tamon!!! 
We made our way to a small theatre that held about 30...
and some of us were standing..  We were shown a couple
documentaries.  One that a student had done and a couple others.
The best one was how the whole Kwetu Film School got
its start.  The academy had come from Hollywood to
help teach classes about film making, producing, lighting,
acting, etc... that was the beginning of "Hillywood".
Since Rwanda... is the Land of a 1000 Hills... I guess
they decided "Hillywood" would be an appropriate
name for the yearly film festival held here.

This is all amazing since there is yet to open in
Kigali --a movie theatre!   But I think the Kewtu will become one of
our hangs....  They do show movies each Friday night!  So,
at least we will get to see some once in a while.  

After we got home...  it was time to take Innocent to the Dr's.  He has been
sick for about a week.. and his cough and back pain seemed like pneumonia.
I asked him where we should go to the hospital or clinic... He said there was one
place that he had taken his brother a while ago... So, let's go there. 
So, here we arrived--- at a great medical center
complete with a small hospital.
 The lobby was very clean and organized and they even had a
computer to keep records and schedules.

The best part of the whole visit was that Dr. Tomy was
the Dr. there... I have heard GREAT things about this Dr.
and he was terrific for Innocent.  This building was where
he sent him for his blood test... 

This was and is a very nice facility.

This is part of the small hospital.
While we waited 20 minutes for the blood test results....I looked around. 
This tree/cactus or whatever it is was shooting up 
to the sky! 
 This is what it looked like next to the hill.

Just thought this was the coolest plant. 
It reminded me of those Maypole structures in Austria!  

So, the blood tests back.. nothing awful.. just the flu and cold. 

We had waited 1 hour for the Dr. to come from lunch.. because
we didn't have an appt.  but  aside from that it was a great 

Innocent had his appt. with the Dr. 
had blood tests, and was given 3 different medications...
all for the cost of $20.00.

Also something in Rwanda that is the way it 
"used to be in America"... long, long, long ago! 

Innocent is all better now and back to good health! 


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