Tuesday, September 25, 2012

From the Village to ABC

Things just keep changing and progressing here in Kigali.
When we arrived, the building on the right was the only part standing. 
Now...Betty, the owner of Woodlands Grocery Store
is building an addition that will house a bakery and a coffee shop! 
This was not even started when I left in August and now
it is going up very quickly.  

These trees are all around Rwanda but these happen to be next to the Golf Course....
They have suddenly started popping out all over with these beautiful blossoms. 

Yes, Doug.. there is a golf course very near our house....so no more excuses.
You and Barb must come visit!  You can bring the girls, too!
And anyone else that wants to come!!!!!

Don't know what these are called but they are so lacy and delicate.

And then there is the place just a few houses down our road.
They came in and dug a hole big enough for an Olympic size pool and then
just stopped.  Nelda and Kristi and Amy got to see the hole!

There is much building going on around us... but this fence that went up in
just a couple of days... indicates that the building process will soon begin.
The hole is apparently a basement that they call a "CAVE".
Very few houses have them.

So... when our car was being repaired we had a little automatic Rav4 so
I could drive it without any trouble.  Innocent needed a couple of things
so we took off to the market area behind Kagugu... I don't remember the name.

While Innocent was shopping for a new pan in this store... 
 (Our home depot that seems to have everything.... even a storage center on the top floor)
...I was watching this young mom trying to tie her baby on her back..
with the help of another women.... right across the street from the store.
When Innocent came back to the car I asked if we could go see the baby.
She seemed so small to be put on mommy's back. So, we went over 
and asked if we could see her.  This is baby Rachel and her Mom..
Rachel is one week old in this picture and very tiny. 
They were quite excited to show off the new little one and 
we had fun taking a picture of her and giving her a love. 
Mommy's Bible was right there, too. 

Finally, ready to leave and these guys came flying down the "road" in their truck.
This is a common sight here.. and often the guys are up on huge
stacks of bean bags or rice hanging on for dear life.
 They were very friendly, too. 

This sweet little house near the village was so serene and well kept.
I noticed it and Innocent said.. oh.. that's our pastor's house.
 But he didn't mean the little one.. he meant this one up
 behind the smaller house.  So, he took these three pictures for me. 
Next to the road was this store front selling Jesus articles.  I don't know if
this was in conjunction with some church or just an independent place.
We had a great time... watching all the people and talking to them as we drove
down the road.
   I should have taken more pictures of this great road leading
back to the market because it was very picturesque.
But I guess I didn't because I was driving. ( Which was a real treat!!)

 The next day was Saturday and we decided to go to visit ABC for breakfast.
ABC is African Bagel Company.  So, Innocent opened the gate. 

He went with us since this place was near where his worship team practices on Saturday.

We also picked up Hedda.. well, i should say that first, they all went to buy some tools at one of the local shops since Hedda is getting her house set up.

She is a CMU professor who is
now settling here.  She just got her motorcycle, by the way.
 This sweet couple is Kirkwood and Donna.  They are the ones managing
ABC.  Recently, they took over from a family who headed back to
Boston.. the ones who originally opened this great place.
Not only do they sell great food but they are building women for the
workplace and helping them get off the ground...in every area of their
lives. It is always a joy to be with them.

And that is the line I want to remember.

  It is always a joy to be with them.

Whether in the village, with moms, workers, shop keepers
or in resturants or church or the work place...

JOY is what is exhibited.  

I know that all these people go through
difficult days and have tough circumstances but their 

JOY always shines through.

It is fun to be with joyful people, isn't it?

When you are out and about.... in your world this week
stop and look at the people around you.

Are they joyful... or are they drained?

Looking with the eyes of Jesus.... what would He see?
Needs are all around us everyday but when folks that have little
emit much joy... It truly doubles the enjoyment!

 We all have so much to be joyful about! 

Show it to those around you.  

It really will make their day!
 and yours, too!)


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