Thursday, May 10, 2012


So after all that work to get Bruce's office fixed up they all must leave their offices this
week for the renovation of that wing to happen.  The other two wings are coming along nicely.  Just in case you would like to see...

Here's where the project is right now!

 The new IT guy, named Johnson started this week. 
This is his office, but that is Lionel standing in his office.
This office is almost done.

This is Bob... he came just this week to make sure all the
work was being completed correctly.  He is from CMU.. and is the design
architect for CMU/Rwanda.  At least, i think that is his title. 

Putting in the top window sashes to complete the outside walls.
Love this color!  It is the color of my living room here in Kigali.

 Student room is almost finished, too.
Air Conditioner is in and painting done.. 

This classroom sure looks different. 
Almost all the debris has been taken away.

Electrical outlets going in ---a couple ceiling tucks and this
classroom is completed!
This hallway is the greatest change!  Blinds go in next.

Furniture arrives soon, too!  Looks like it's really going to be ready!

Maybe we should call this one... Choose Completion!  Ha!


( I'm sure Bruce will be saying "you complete me" when it is done! )

Stay tuned for the new office looks soon.

1 comment:

  1. Just sent you an email. Are you able to check them? And do you get the prayer list from Marilyn? The blogs are wonderful and inspiring. Contentment, Oh yes we all need more of it in our lives.
