Thursday, April 5, 2012

Back at the Children's Home!

On Wednesday, Lionel drove me down to the Urukundo Village to visit the children!  We weren't sure what the day would hold.  I was hoping to see all the kids in school.. but when we got there we found out that all the older kids were home from boarding school and the little ones were out on Easter break!
                      It was a little disappointing at first, but then the day unfolded!

This was a view on our way.  No matter which way you look
there are lush green hills! 
Some of the preschoolers were on a walk to see the baby
pigs when we arrived... so I stayed with them most of the morning.
This is "SoSo".  I know that isn't how you spell his name but that
is how you say it.  We sort of had a connect!  He held my hand
all morning on our walk.
Bruce and I were here 2 weeks ago and since then many new projects
have started and some have made great progress.
THIS is a bio-fuel project.  There will be a pump house dug here
and somehow all the manure on the farm will be changed into gas and then
the cooks will have gas to cook with instead of just charcoal.  Sorry I'm not
very technical about how this works.. these guys were just
working very hard to get it done.
This will be another great asset for the home.
Right behind the banana trees is the framework, well the brick foundation
for the new chicken "coop"...  Pretty nice one, but it will house 200 plus
chickens, both boilers and layers!  
This brickwork had not even started 2 weeks ago!  
This is the new office in the preschool.... This was empty
when we saw it the first time-- now it is wired!
The newly acquired guest house is all spruced up already and the 
interior will be finished next!  
"Mama" Arlene invited me down to her house for coffee but the electricity
was off so we just talked..  At some point Johnny came wondering into the house.
He sat on my lap a long time and i tried to take a picture of us.  He was just
 starred into the camera!  Isn't he cute?
Lunch time!!!   Feeding 50 people every meal is a lot of work!
It was delicious!
These are all the lunch dishes drying in the sun!
Imagine doing this every meal?  And I love this table!!!
This is Kenny!  He always had my other hand!
His English is wonderful and his personality adorable.
This is one of the cooks and her baby... always hanging around with her.
Meet Luki ( pronounced Lucky)....devouring a very
tasty lunch... Rice &  potatoes, beans, tomatoes, cabbage
and onions in a delicious broth. 
After lunch i spent time with the babies and the preschoolers.
This is Diana---She spent 8 days in the hospital a few weeks
ago and there were 4 other babies there with her.  Diana is the
only one that came home.  She is a very special baby at just 3 months! 

 As i was rocking Diana, Soso's this little hand came 
and patted my knee.  So I laid Diane down for her nap and picked
up Soso.  Within minutes he was like this.... I guess he needed 
a gramma today and I needed a grand baby!  All i know is that today 
was anything but a so-so day!  It was wonderful.

This is Claudette.  She came to Mama's when she was 
3, (i believe).  She was blind and couldn't see.  But the Lord
provided an eye Dr to perform surgery and today.. at age 5 she not only sees
but she is walking and developing.  Thanks to the Dr's and God's healing
and the love of all at the home... she is thriving today.  
And to think where she might have been. 
She had been having a hard time sleeping so with Diana and Soso down.. I put her in 
bed, covered her up and sang her Jesus Loves Me while i rubbed her back.  I said a 
little prayer for her and when i finished and looked up this was the face i saw!
Since the camera was in my hand, i snapped her sweet little face. 
Jesus loves me and you, 
this i know --not only because the Bible tells me so....
but because these Little ones totally belong to him 
They might be weak.
But He makes them strong! 
Keep growing and getting stronger, Claudette! 

After the kids were asleep i made my way down to the the Hope House
where another orphanage had joined all the kids here.  The 50 kids 
were from a place up in Northern Rwanda and this home was
set up by Austrians... They were on a field trip... and stopped for a couple hours. 

 At first the 2 groups weren't gellin'

 The leaders of the two homes were telling each other about their places and also
taking some time to brag on some of their students who are doing so well in
their educational pursuits!  (Mama in green)
 This little guy, Claude, I think, was taking it all in --
Well, he was taking all the Coke in anyway! 
Once the dancing began... the 2 groups seemed to be one! 
They were doing the traditional Rwandan Dance and they even
got me up trying to do it.  When I tried to add a picture than someone had 
sent me.... i messed up the second half of the blog.. so i won't try that again. 
But it was fun.  It is such a beautiful and graceful dance. 

Shortly after this, the kids from the other home started on their way toward their home and 
Lionel and I started on our way, too! 

This certainly was not a day that disappointed...
in fact, it might have been an appointed day! 
Arlene put it this way... "Boy, you couldn't have picked a better day to come"!
I agree!

Thank you Lord... for all your little ones! 

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