Thursday, March 1, 2012

Trying New things!

Sitting at the airport in New York.. waiting to go to Brussels... and want to see if
i can attach pictures to the blog page!
This morning at 7 a.m.--2 hr from departure, Carl's Tree Service called and asked if they could come trim the trees before i left.  It had rained the day they couldn't come.
Well, they started... This post is just an attempt to see if i can do this..Here goes!!    It worked!  Our pretty little pink dogwood (that was diseased) that held our swing is gone--Time to plant another one!   Now if i can remember how to do this next time, we'll be in business!  Thanks for being my guinea pigs!!  I already feel like I've been gone for days and it's only 4 pm.  


  1. Missing you so much,but sharing in your anticipation of this new adventure!

  2. nice job!

    It's sad to see that little tree gone; should we plant you another this spring? Maybe for Mother's Day.

  3. That sounds about right...2 hours from departure..."You want to do what? Sure, come on over!" Love you!!
